i’m all about cultivating leadership from the inside out.

with empathy and care, i help individuals turn their greatest wounds into their greatest gifts, and lead their lives from a powerful place of purpose and clarity. with energy and inspiration, i facilitate teams and organizations to create safe and compassionate communities by better understanding how our being impacts our doing.

one of my biggest life accomplishments has been soul shoppe, an organization i co-founded in 2001. focused on empathy building within educational communities, it teaches strategies for social-emotional awareness, conflict resolution, and bullying prevention. from this work, i’ve learned what’s needed to successfully lead teams, and what people need to learn, thrive and grow.

i am a proud american born filipina, raised in san francisco, ca. as for most of us, my life and work is shaped by my lived experiences, as well as my ancestral connections. as a child I always had a deep sense of empathy for those around me, even when things were painful or harmful. i’m grateful for my lifelong journey of growth and transformation that continues to inform me, my leadership and what i offer the world.